Our Clients' Experiences

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Clint Michels and his guide Tony with his red stag at Glen Dene   Clint and Emily Michels each got a red stag at Glen Dene Station, Lake Hawea, with their expert guide Tony.

Read their testimonial.

Cory Wright, guide and taxidermist from Portland, OR, shot this gold medal free range red stag at Glen Dene on Lake Hawea.   Cory Wright with his free range gold medal red stag, hunting at Glen Dene on the hills surrounding Lake Hawea

Scotty and Krystal with a red stag, hunting with Allan Kircher of NZ Backcountry Guides   Allan Kircher, from our partner NZ Backcountry Guides, writes:

"One of my most memorable hunts was a husband and wife team of Scotty and Krystal.

This was a young couple that had saved long and hard for their first overseas hunt and a red stag, bull tahr and buck chamois were the trophies we were after.

The hunt started exceptionally well and Scotty was able to take a top free range stag the very first morning."

Nic, from our partner Chris Jolly Outdoors, writes:

"Josh and Dan were lots of fun, hilarious stories of their time in the navy and the US military in general.

They went out yesterday morning with Chris who was continuing on to Taupo for a few days so I�m holding the fort down here. Dan shot a red and a fallow stag and Josh a red, also some little pigs, we had the hind quarters of 1 for dinner before they went, very delicious."
  Dan Spiker with his red stag, hunting with Nic of Chris Jolly Outdoors

Andy and Kay Vail take a Silver Medal Red Stag at High Peak Game Estate   Andy and Kay Vail purchased a donated hunt at the Portland chapter of Safari Club International at the Portland annual fund-raising banquet.

The hunt was for a Silver medal red stag at High Peak Game Estate in the Beautiful Rakia Gorge.

In addition to the red stag, Andy also shot a beautiful fallow buck as well as a big Arapawa ram.